
Cumwhinton is a village located geographical between Scotby and Cotehill. Although the village does not have a Church building, the village hall which is owned by the Diocese of Carlisle and is leased by the Village Hall Committee, and is used by a number of organisations, including the Church for 5th Sunday morning services and our ‘cafe style’, ‘messy’, family orientated evening service called ‘Connect at Cumwhinton’.


There is one regular service per month, ‘Connect at Cumwhinton’, as above, which is held in the Village Hall on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 5.00pm. It is an informal, family service using a variety of worship material and service sheets. Singing is accompanied by a piano or a music group. The event is a family friendly event with lots of crafts and games during the start of the service.

Any month with a 5th Sunday has just one united parish service at 10.30am held at Cumwhinton Village Hall, which is a family service aimed for all within the parish.