
The below are just some of the groups we have within the parish.

Scotby CYFA (11-19yrs old)

The Scotby CYFA group meet in Scotby Parish Centre on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 10.30am. The Scotby CYFA group has its own page will full details of all events and contact information, along with current news and information. Click here to view the page!

Scotby Sunday School (3-10yrs old)

The Sunday School group meet in Scotby Village Hall on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 10.30am. The Scotby Sunday School group has its own page will full details of all events and contact information, along with current news and information. Click here to view the page!

Bereavement Team Group

The group is available for support to hose who have suffered bereavement. We also run a variety of courses throughout the year for those who need support.

Pastoral Care and Visiting Group

The group undertakes visits and support those who have a need.

Prayer Ministry Group

We have several prayer ministry groups, which are held weekly at various venues around the parish. The groups are available for those in need of Prayer in and around the parish.